
Just another site

Video Games & Memes

on March 7, 2012

New media can also be used for video games.  Ever hear of a meme before? To be honest, I did not have the slightest clue what that term was until I did a little research. According to Tim Brooks, a meme is “an in-joke that gains popularity and establishes itself with a contrast stream of derivatives.” (

When I began searching for video game memes I can across this website:


There were several funny and entertaining memes that I really enjoyed.  One game I’m sure we are all familiar with is the classic Super Mario Brothers.  I grew up playing this game on Nintendo and had a little chuckle after seeing this meme:


Memes enable users to show their creative and artistic side.  I liked this creation of Mario because it really depicts what a meme is.  Memes can connect cultures together as well as generations.  This picture was created online and is therefore available and can be shared all over the Internet.  I haven’t played Super Mario Brothers in so many years but after seeing this image it brought back memories and made me smile.  I think that is one of the benefits of video game memes. 

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